Obtaining my personal data (SPW only)


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) stipulates that SPW must allow you to find out whether your personal data is being processed.

You have information about any processing carried out by SPW before your data is collected. At a minimum, this information pertains to the reason for the processing, the types of data, the types of recipients and the period for which the data will be stored.

If you do not remember being informed about processing, if you want to obtain this information or you want your data processed by SPW in this context, please fill in the electronic form below.

In order to identify the relevant SPW for your processing, as well as its theme, please feel free to use the contact details shown in your letters from the SPW, or visit one of the SPW’s themed websites. If you cannot find it, call the freephone number 1718 or browse [the Public Service of Wallonia guide] (https://www.wallonie.be/fr/acteurs-et-institutions/wallonie/service-publ...) to select the right department. Do not hesitate to use the [the Wallonie.be](https://www.wallonie.be/fr) internal search engine as well.

Key points

If you do not receive a response from SPW within a month, you can contact the Data protection authority to make a complaint, using the following address: 35, Rue de la Presse to 1000 Bruxelles, or via email to: contact@apd-gba.be

In detail

Using the electronic form enables strong identification via the identity card and thus secures the connection and all conversations with the Administration through "My personal area".

You can also use the PDF form if you do not have a Belgian electronic identity card. In this case, attach a copy of both sides of an identity document that will identify you to the mail.

Letters must be sent to:

Service Public de Wallonie
Secrétariat Général/SPW Support
Cellule de Protection des données
Boulevard du Nord, 8
5000  Namur

For non-sensitive data or frequently asked questions, the relevant department will answer you via its call centre or by email, after first verifying your identity through information that only you can know.

SPW - Cellule de la protection des Données
Updated on :
Process n° : 2702 (nostraId = 142111)
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